World Sleep Day - These Essential Oils Help You Sleep Well
Source: | Author:Sophia | Published time: 2022-03-21 | 361 Views | Share:

March 21st is World Sleep Day. The theme for World Sleep Day 2022 is “Quality Sleep, Sound Mind, Happy World.

1/3 of human life is spent in sleep, and good sleep is the "gas station" for human body functions. If the long-term sleep is not good, the human body will produce a series of physical symptoms and mental disorders.

When you don't sleep well for a week or two, various physical problems will follow, such as feeling tired and weak during the day, lack of energy, inability to concentrate, poor work efficiency, and people are particularly prone to lose their temper, sometimes I feel sleepy, but at night I will worry about not being able to sleep. This kind of worry and fear often aggravates insomnia. This cycle will lead to tossing and turning, sleepless nights, and in the long run, it will lead to anxiety and depression.

Long-term insomnia can also lead to decreased immunity, headache, dizziness, forgetfulness, chronic muscle pain and other symptoms. It can even lead to an increase in the incidence of hypertension, heart disease, and cerebrovascular disease. Beauty-conscious women will find their skin dull and prone to pigmentation.

How to improve insomnia

Fortunately, there are many quality sleep aids essential oils that can refresh your mind. While some causes of sleep disorders cannot be controlled or alleviated with essential oils, the soothing and relaxing properties of essential oils can help calm the mind and body and make it easier to find restful sleep. Sleep aid essential oils are sedative, anxiolytic, antidepressant, soothing, warming, anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

Sandalwood oil

Sandalwood essential oil stimulates the body to produce melatonin, an important neurotransmitter that regulates your circadian rhythm and helps achieve normal sleep patterns. Sandalwood is also a sedative and anti-anxiety agent, helping to clear anxiety and crankiness.

The scent of sandalwood is enough to make you fall asleep. Diffuse it in a diffuser before going to bed or mix it with vegetable oil for a body massage, it is very effective.

Cedarwood Essential Oil

This essential oil has anti-inflammatory, relaxing, and calming properties, and cedarwood oil can help with sleep when used before bed. Because it can help you clear mental stress and anxiety, and promote the release of melatonin, it is easier to fall asleep.

You can add a few drops of cedarwood essential oil to your diffuser to diffuse the scent to fill the room. Or mix cedarwood essential oil with vegetable oil and rub a few drops on your forehead, temples, and neck. You can also massage your body.

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Ylang-ylang essential oil has a floral and fruity scent, helps reduce inflammation, has a calming effect on the body, and helps people fall into deep and restorative sleep. Ylang-ylang essential oil can eliminate insomnia and sleep disturbances caused by anxiety.

Ylang-ylang is blended with bergamot and real lavender essential oil to promote sleep well. Add a few drops of each of these essential oils to the diffuser, and enjoy a peaceful night's sleep and a fresh feeling in the morning.

Real lavender essential oil

Known as one of the most relaxing, soothing and anti-anxiety oils, the aromatic compounds in lavender have been used for thousands of years to aid sleep. Lavender also has antispasmodic properties that help prevent restless syndrome and sleep apnea.

Add a few drops of real lavender essential oil to your bath water, or put a few drops on your pillow before going to bed. An aromatherapy machine is also a great way to use lavender essential oil.

Jasmine essential oil

Jasmine is probably one of the most legendary sleep aids. It induces the release of certain neurotransmitters in the brain that reduce stress levels and calm the mind, while also providing a sense of relaxation in the morning.

Many people choose to use jasmine essential oil in indoor diffusers, especially before going to bed, because it can provide a calming atmosphere in the bedroom and soothe the mind during sleep.

Frankincense essential oil

Frankincense helps relieve anxiety and depression, while it can also help you get better sleep. Lowers levels of stress hormones in the body, helps calm the mind and energizes, making it the perfect pre-sleep remedy.

Mixing a few drops of frankincense and bergamot essential oils and breathing deeply under your nose before bed can help prevent insomnia. Also, you can put 2-3 drops on your pillow.

Vetiver Oil

Vetiver essential oil has an excellent calming effect and can make people emotionally stable and down-to-earth, so it is called "the essential oil of silence". Vetiver essential oil can also help and improve anxiety-type and tension-type insomnia, thanks to its sesquiterpene alcohol, vetiver ester and other ingredients.

It is very convenient and simple to use. Dilute the unilateral vetiver essential oil to a ratio of about 2%, apply it on the tailbone and lower back 30-60 minutes before going to bed, it can help the body relax and balance the central nervous system. , to help you fall asleep.

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Roman chamomile essential oil is used as a relaxing substance because of its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. If you suffer from chronic pain or discomfort that keeps you up at night, try this essential oil for sleep relief.

You can add Roman chamomile essential oil to your shampoo, conditioner or cream for a slow, calming aroma at the end of the day, or you can diffuse it throughout the room for a relaxing vibe throughout the day .

Bergamot Essential Oil

The relaxing properties of bergamot have been shown to reduce stress hormone levels in the body and stop the body from releasing adrenaline. For insomnia and sleep problems caused by anxiety, bergamot essential oil works well.

Add about 10 drops of bergamot essential oil to a hot bath, and inhale the steam while soaking your feet or bathing. Mix 5 drops of bergamot essential oil with 10ml of vegetable oil and massage on the body. As a nighttime moisturizer, it helps to calm muscles and mind as the aroma gently settles you into sleep.